Friday, May 8, 2009

Eye Opener: Learning Activities

Autumn and Katies Game:

Autumn and Katies games were both very kid orientated and similar regarding healthy food choices and choosing foods from a grouping that would fall into specific areas of the food pyramid! I could not for the life of me get the food to shoot into that bear things mouth.... honestly i think i played about 6 times! Also, according to the fill your tray activity I did'nt understand at first, it took me three times to get a tray that was near balanced, I just kept grabbing the wrong things, or the food would fall off the convery belt before I could grab it!!LOL Great games girls I think that the conept behind both of them is really important and that children especially in our current obesitiy ridden nation these would be wonderfula ctivities to intoduce to children.

Ben's Game:

Ben your game for me was the most fun, I really enjoyed the idea of creating my eco friendly house! It was interesting also to read about the products that you were able to choose from alot of the building materials I had never even heard of! My house ended up costing a pretty penny but it was very green.... and my front yard looked like a junk yard with all the "green" contraptions! I thought this was really fun and showcased the materials used to make a green house, as well as cost in doing so! For myself it was eye opening to see how fast it can add up and then to contemplate is it worth it?

Sara J's Game:

Yuck!With a name like puke page i was in for it..... diffidently deserves a gross! I'm not to sure if this game would be appropriate for kids, it scared me! I do feel that the message behind this madden was solid, and well pointed. It was really hard for me to look at the pictures, but the message and reasoning are all worth it. I would agree with Sara that a complete smoking ban would benefit children in schools. After seeing these photos I think that most would agree that this is a beneficial cause.

Ingrid's Game:

Its is telling me that I used 93 gallons of water per day next to the average persons 71! yikes... again guilty as charged! I guess? Ingrid I think you did a great job on this post very well thought out and defined! With the additional terms and such.... very well done! I had fun doing this activity but the whole time i kept thinking ....oh i know I am going to get a large amount.... i guess thats the point isnt it? Good find ingrid i think we should have used this one in glass during our water privitization lessons! It was eye opening for me!


  1. Abbey- I am glad that you found my learning activity to be scary, it is scary!!! I also feel you when you say that you couldnt for the life of you pick up the plates in Autumn's activity or hit the monster in Katie's! I had so much fun doing that too!
    I had 75 gallons/day in Ingrid's activity. Basically I only told you that so now you know I am a better person than you... =)
    Really though, I agree with you when you say Ingrid's post and activity were very well thought out. Good job to all! --S

  2. Abbey-
    Great summary of the learning activities! Even though you use 93 gallons of water per day, that's still unfortunately less than me. Good job!

  3. Abbey, i'm honored that you thought mine was the most fun! lol...I thought all the activities were surprisingly fun. The green house I built was pretty expensive as well, but it was fun to experiment and see what costs the most and what costs the least. Great summary Abbey!

  4. Good post Abbey! Im glad you enjoyed everyones activities as much as I did! I am sad we are not going to be blog buddies anymore:(

  5. Nice post Abbey no "pun" intend on the"glass" comment though...
