Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Officials

April 26, 2009

Amy Klobuchar
United States Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2304

Dear Ms. Klobuchar,

The proposed Bill H.R. 58 "Schools Going Green" will make a tremendous impact on schools throughout the United States. Creating a matching grant program with the United States Government, the Environmental Protection Agency and school across America will be begin to provide improved teaching and learning environments for students and staff alike. The proposed bill will provide opportunities for students to learn in an environment that is safe, and promotes Eco friendly living. This will have an impact not only on the students and staff, but will affect the community members as well. The impacts will span from students, staff, to community members, towns as a whole, and will work to enforce, promote, and encourage others to work on a national green movement for schools. Not only will these individuals benefit from clean air, and safe, Eco friendly learning environments, but the planet will benefit from all those who are working to improve their schools and communities. Recent studies show that "...nearly twenty percent of Americans go to school everyday:, showcasing the vast amount of people that would benefit from such a movement. It was said that as of now "...nearly 1000 schools have met the or are seeking LEED certification..." although, this many schools are taking green measure to help protect their students and staff and increase the protection of our planet, think of how many more could participate if there were a matching grant program in place to help provide some additional funding for their green efforts? We hope you realize the best course of action to promote school across American to go green is to vote "yes" to House Bill #58.

Thank you for taking interesting in school across American going green.

Abbey Linstad

555 Go Green Dr.

GreenSchool, MN 55545





  1. Great letter Abbey! It's funny cause I just learned about that whole "LEED" certification thing yesterday at a field trip to the Whole Foods Co-op! I didn't know schools could get this certification as well. But I guess if any building should be eco-friendly, it should be schools! Good post Abbey =D

  2. This sounds like a great bill to pass.

  3. Abbey-
    Awesome job on your letter! You were very convincing with the statistics and everything. This bill should definitely pass :)

  4. Abbey- Good job with the letter, it was very persuasive!! I LOVED how you asked a question towards the end of the letter. I found it to be very effective. --S

  5. Abbey~ Great letter!! This is a great bill that needs to be passed!! You really backed it up well with the stats!!

  6. Great job on the letter Abbey! you have some very good persuasion skills!!
